I'm a former Personal Trainer turned Performance Coach and I've spent almost two decades helping people transform their bodies and minds. After 3 back-to-back pregnancies while running my business, I started to neglect the most critical area of my life... my health. Even though I knew exactly "what to do" I found myself with little time and energy to make myself a priority. Before I realized it, I was overweight... even though I had the knowledge, I tried a few things that simply didn't work. Finally I brought it back to the basics and did what I had been teaching my clients for years and dropped 30 pounds without counting calories, tracking macros, using fancy apps, getting up at 5 AM, or going to the gym every day... there is a better way. This course outlines exactly what I did to bring my health back, gain more clarity, mental sharpness, and peace.
I know that may sound strange, but after a decade of working with tens of thousands of women on issues of self-worth, true desire, and both personal and professional development, I have seen a lot of women be less-than-honest with themselves about what they want.
A common thing I see in women is we just don't know what we want. Once we figure it out, we judge ourselves for wanting it.
Women often feel crazy, greedy, and selfish for wanting money.
I know a lot of women who play small, shrink, hide, doubt themselves, cap themselves, and sabotage themselves around their earning + receiving potential.